How Forskolin Weight Loss Supplements Changed My Life

on 02 February 2015

It can be hard to fully trust what you read online nowadays, but we wanted to nip that in the bud right off the bat! If you aren't convinced with what we say about it, read Donna's experience with Forskolin below.

Forskolin testimonials
About a year ago, I was walking my dog at the local park. Actually I was huffing and puffing, trying to keep up with my dog while carrying that extra 50 pounds I’ve put on since I got married, when I ran into an old co-worker. I almost didn’t recognize her because she had lost so much weight. I immediately told her how amazing she looked, and of course, being someone in need of a diet plan that works, I asked how she did it.

She told me that she started taking Forskolin Weight Loss Supplements, twice a day, and saw results almost immediately. Her doctor told her that her weight was becoming a future health risk, and that she needed to take this seriously. Hearing straight from the doctor’s mouth the importance of her health was the smack in the face she needed to make a change.

This was the first time I had ever heard of Forskolin Weight Loss Supplements. Even though my doctor had not addressed my weight yet, I knew it was coming at the next visit. On top of that, my size was getting in the way of enjoying life. I had actually postponed a trip to the beach because I did not want to be seen in a bathing suit. I decided it was time to do some research so I could learn if it would be a good fit for me. Here’s what I found:

Forskolin Weight Loss Supplement is an herbal extract from a plant that is part of the mint family. The focus of Forskolin is in the heart muscles and blood vessels. When it’s taken it gives you a mightier heartbeat and lowers your blood pressure by causing the walls of your blood vessels to widen.

Some have called it “lightening in a bottle” because of all the amazing benefits it has to offer. My next step before deciding whether to use the supplement was to weigh the pros and cons, so I made a list.


1. Even though it is recommended to pair the supplement with a healthy diet and exercise, it would be so much easier to stay on track with that extra boost of weight loss that Forskolin offers.

2. It comes in a natural form and you don’t lose lean muscle, and you can actually gain bone mass.

3. It has been proven to remove the fat around the belly quickly. My number one problem area!

4. You only need to take the supplement two times a day, so it would easily fit into my daily routine without disruption.

5. It is used for more than just weight loss. There are other benefits it provides for issues such as blood clots and insomnia.


1. Some studies show that it works better for men at times than woman. Personally though, I have found this to be true on any diet I have been on. My husband always drops pounds faster!

2. There are a few health risks involved if you have kidney disease.

3. It’s not free. Exercise is free, but this is not. But can you really put a price on your health and future happiness?

Once my list was done, I decided my health was the most important thing, and carrying this extra weight was not good for me. What I had in front of me was a solution, and it was time to take action!

So I placed my first order with and within a week I saw results! I lost five pounds, and it was easy, and I didn’t feel tired. I actually had more energy after the first week than I did when I started.

And I’ve done diets before that have absolutely drained me of all the energy I have, making the quality of my life take a nosedive. Even my husband made a comment that this was the first diet I had been on that I stayed in a good mood and didn’t have problems sleeping. Plus, I was actually sticking to it because the results were so noticeable.

I’ll admit, I was a little nervous when I started because I feared that I would be jittery, or just feel uncomfortable in my body, but the exact opposite happened. I felt great and I lost weight right away.

Since I started I have lost 55 pounds, and have kept it off. I used to hate to go clothes shopping, but now my wardrobe has grown, as my belly has shrunk. It has been a blast going to weddings and reunions and not having to find clothes that cover my belly. I don’t have to only wear black clothes to make me look thinner, because I am thinner! Look at my belly! My legs! I swear even my nose got smaller!


Forskolin testimonials

I decided I needed to call my old co-worker and thank her. What a lucky day that was when I ran into her.

As soon as she picked up the phone, I told her why I was calling, and she started laughing. I was the third person who had called in the last few months to thank her for introducing the product to them. She said her mother-in-law saw it on Dr. Oz and was really the one to thank. She had successfully kept the weight off, and said this was the longest she had ever gone without gaining a pound back.

We talked about our energy levels, and her friend Tammy who started it two weeks ago, and had already gone down a pant size. It really is “lightening in a bottle,” as some people call it!

We started organizing a weekly walk for all of the ladies who were on the Forskolin supplement with us. It has been great support, but more importantly we are all healthier and happier than the day we started. Our quality of life is way up, and together we’ll be able to keep it that way. Isn’t it amazing, how one little supplement that I hadn’t even heard of a year ago, had now transformed me into a confident, happy, and healthy woman. Lucky me!
